The advantages of carbon fiber materials in auto parts

Author:yousu04 Date:2021-07-26 Reading:

  The emergence of carbon fiber materials has brought us great progress in research and development in many industries. With development, carbon fiber materials have gradually replaced metal materials in many parts. The automotive industry is certainly no exception. In terms of auto parts, carbon fiber Has a significant advantage performance,

  Nowadays, the energy saving and emission reduction of automobiles are more important, and the realization of energy saving and emission reduction of automobiles is mainly to realize the lightweight of the structure. Carbon fiber is an excellent weight-reducing material, and its density is only 1.7g/cm3, which is less than 1/ of steel. 4. It is helpful to realize the lightweight structure, reduce energy consumption, and increase the cruising range. At the same time, the mechanical properties of carbon fiber materials are very outstanding, its tensile strength can reach more than 3000MPa, the comprehensive index of specific strength and specific modulus is better than most structural materials, and it meets the needs of using strength. Carbon fiber is a non-metallic material with low electrochemical activity. It can work normally in harsh open-air environments or in chemically corroded and humid environments, and has a long service life. Therefore, many auto parts have begun to implant more carbon fiber materials. The future development of carbon fiber should not be underestimated, let us look forward to it together!


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